Kimetsu no Yaiba, the biggest hit anime series in recent years, follows the story of TanjirÅ Kamado, a young man whose family was slaughtered by demons while he was away. The only survivor is his sister, Nezuko, who has been
One of the most celebrated real-time strategy franchises is getting a long-awaited new instalment! Become the key player in events that shaped human history with Relic Entertainment, World’s Edge and Xbox Game Studios’ latest release – Age of Empires
Strategically snuff out each opponent daring to stand in your way as the ricochet of bullets deafens you to the overwhelming roar of the battlefield and the cries of your comrades in the newest Call of Duty game! Developed by
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Build and manage your own Jurassic Park in the much-anticipated sequel of the highly successful Jurassic World Evolution! Jurassic World Evolution 2, the beloved project of Frontier Developments, brings to life majestic prehistoric creatures and places them in